Alisha Vasudev

Visual Storyteller
    Sickle cell disease in India: The quest for a cure  by Alisha Vasudev 
News Published
Sickle cell disease in India: The quest for a cure
alisha vasudev
Oct 3, 2024
Location: Chattisgarh, India
India has one of the highest prevalences of sickle cell disease in the world, and many of those affected are people from tribal communities and other historically disadvantaged groups. Recently approved gene therapies for sickle cell disease are an exciting new treatment option, but their price tags mean they are out of reach for health-care systems and individuals in lower- and middle-income countries. Researchers in India are now trying to develop similar gene therapies locally to serve people with severe sickle cell disease.

Cover story for Chemical & Engineering News, August 2024

Written by: Priyanka Runwal
Photographed by: Alisha Vasudev

Read the full story here.

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Sickle cell disease in India: The quest for a cure  by Alisha Vasudev
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