Public Project
Viraha विरह
Dans la langue Hindi, viraha réfère à la nostalgie d'un morceau de vie. Quelque part entre un sentiment d'isolation et d'appartenance, c'est l'indicible sensation d'avoir plusieurs identités.
Le quartier Parc Extension est considéré comme le pied à terre de beaucoup de nombreux immigrés du Québec. Ce village aux 1000 couleurs accueil 40 000 arrivants chaque année, appartenant à plus de 75 communautés différentes.
Certains s'y installent, d'autres sont seulement de passage.
In the Hindi language, viraha refers to longing for a piece of life. Somewhere between a feeling of isolation and belonging, it is the unspeakable feeling of having several identities.
Parc Extension neighbourhood is considered the home of many Quebec immigrants. This 1,000-colour village welcomes 40,000 newcomers each year from more than 75 different communities.
Some settle there, others are only passing through.
In the Hindi language, viraha refers to longing for a piece of life. Somewhere between a feeling of isolation and belonging, it is the unspeakable feeling of having several identities.
Parc Extension neighbourhood is considered the home of many Quebec immigrants. This 1,000-colour village welcomes 40,000 newcomers each year from more than 75 different communities.
Some settle there, others are only passing through.