Public Project
"The Foreseen Route" is a compilation of panoramic images captured in various locations across Venezuela, including Los Nevados, Boconó, Puerto Cruz, and Peru, specifically along the highland highway, spanning from 2004 to 2006. Across these images, characterized by an abundance of details, a common thread emerges – the deliberate absence of faces. This intentional omission invites viewers to engage with the photographs and speculate about the narratives they conceal.I coined the term "The Foreseen Route" because these images require everyone to actively participate in completing the story. The absence of faces invokes a sense of nostalgia, encouraging viewers to immerse themselves in the visuals and reconstruct the scenarios depicted in each photograph. Elements like a torso, a house, a fuel source, wrinkles in clothing, or distinct skin markings serve as subtle clues, providing viewers with the building blocks to construct their own interpretations of these untold stories.
Hp5 film, Xpan camera and Nikon 9000 scanner were used for this series.