Reflections of the Nobel Laureate footbridge in the water of the small lake.: There is hardly any other place in the world - apart from Stockholm - where so many Nobel Prize-winning scientists regularly meet at the same time as in Lindau. Every summer, the town becomes an international meeting place for science for a week during the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings. Since 2019, the Nobel Laureate Footbridge has been a year-round memorial to the Nobel Laureates. The Nobel Laureate Footbridge leads onto the water on the banks of the so-called Kleiner See, at Therese-von-Bayern-Platz next to the Inselhalle. All the Nobel Prize winners who have attended the meetings are immortalized here with their names on their own railing - along with the year the prize was awarded and their first visit to Lake Constance, as well as the respective subject area.