In the heart of Malmö, a symphony of glass and steel unfolds. This close-up view of the World Trade Center's facade captures the interplay of light and shadow that animates the building's surface. The expansive windows, like countless eyes, gaze out at the city, their cool surfaces reflecting the urban energy below. Sleek metal panels shimmer alongside the glass, their texture adding a touch of dynamism to the composition. The facade's design is a thoughtful interplay of horizontal and vertical lines. The even spacing of the windows creates a sense of order and rhythm, while the subtle variations in the metal paneling introduce a touch of visual intrigue. This interplay of elements imbues the building with a sense of movement and life, a reflection of the dynamic world it inhabits. Architects: Erik Kajo, WSP Sweden AB & Anders Blomquist, Krook & Tjäder
Size: 4495h x 6744w