Public Project
Recolectores De Cuerpos
En medio de la paralización de las actividades económicas en un país donde el ciudadano vive del día a día, una antigua funeraria ofrecía una oportunidad laboral que no cualquiera aceptaría en medio de la desinformación y el miedo a un virus desconocido que cada hora cobraba vidas de ricos y pobres. El único momento en el que todos nos sentimos semejantes en un país de desigualdades.
Cuando los hospitales no podían contener tantos cuerpos, la gente pedía ayuda para retirar a sus fallecidos dentro de sus casas y hacer uso de los cementerios estaba prohibido, un escuadrón de hombres de traje impermeable negro llegaba, la mayoría inmigrantes venezolanos. Ellos, iban desinfectando el área por donde avanzaban hasta llegar al cadáver, lo metían en una bolsa negra y posteriormente entregaban las cenizas a los familiares.
In South America, Peru was one of the countries hardest hit by the covid-19 pandemic and Lima, its capital, where most of its citizens are concentrated, not only collapsed but also brought to light many of the weaknesses of a state that has failed and forgotten its people in the most basic services it should provide.
In the midst of the paralysis of economic activities in a country where citizens live from day to day, an old funeral parlor offered a job opportunity that not everyone would accept in the midst of misinformation and fear of an unknown virus that every hour claimed the lives of rich and poor. The one moment when we all felt alike in a country of inequalities.
When hospitals could not contain so many bodies, people were asking for help to remove their dead inside their homes and using the cemeteries was forbidden, a squad of men in black raincoats arrived, most of them Venezuelan immigrants. They would disinfect the area where they advanced until they reached the corpse, put it in a black bag and then delivered the ashes to the relatives.
In South America, Peru was one of the countries hardest hit by the covid-19 pandemic and Lima, its capital, where most of its citizens are concentrated, not only collapsed but also brought to light many of the weaknesses of a state that has failed and forgotten its people in the most basic services it should provide.
In the midst of the paralysis of economic activities in a country where citizens live from day to day, an old funeral parlor offered a job opportunity that not everyone would accept in the midst of misinformation and fear of an unknown virus that every hour claimed the lives of rich and poor. The one moment when we all felt alike in a country of inequalities.
When hospitals could not contain so many bodies, people were asking for help to remove their dead inside their homes and using the cemeteries was forbidden, a squad of men in black raincoats arrived, most of them Venezuelan immigrants. They would disinfect the area where they advanced until they reached the corpse, put it in a black bag and then delivered the ashes to the relatives.