All we had left -The first days of confinement against COVID-19 in France in a house for Polish immigrants.
When Emmanuel Macron announced the containment by Emmanuel Macron because of the Corona virus, the whole family tries to support each other.
As the rest of the family falls into psychosis, the budding love of two young people is a veritable burst of sunshine and a mirage of recklessness.
Since their migration from Poland to Paris before 2005, everything has been going from bad to worse for Kasia and Maciek, a couple in their fifties.
living well below the poverty line in the suburb of 93 in Ile-De-France.
She devoted herself to her children and never found another job apart from housework.
He, a very gifted carpenter, can not take advantage of it, suffering from chronic migraines and bone disease, which results in severe back pain.
The budding love of two young people is a real ray of sunshine and a mirage of carefree love in this house in Aulnay-sous-Bois.