Supporters of Alberto Fernandez handle an umbrella with Juan Domingo and Eva Perón on the presidencial swears-in day, Buenos Aires, Argentina, on Tuesday, Dec. 10, 2019.
A supporter of Alberto Fernandez wears a t-shirt with Eva Perón on the presidencial swears-in day, Buenos Aires, Argentina, on Tuesday, Dec. 10, 2019.
A supporter of Alberto Fernandez with an Argentine football team t-shirt walks in front of a truck with Juan Domingo and Eva Perón's photos on the presidencial swears-in day, Buenos Aires, Argentina, on Tuesday, Dec. 10, 2019.
A museum guard takes a photograph of a group of visitors below Juan Domingo and Eva Perón's portraits at Evita's Museum, Buenos Aires, Argentina, on Friday, Dec. 6, 2019.
Evita's portrait stands on the Argentine Ministery of Social Develpment's facade on 9th of July Avenue, Buenos Aires, Argentina, on Friday, Dec. 13, 2019.
Public Project
Petit Perón du Peuple "“ for M le Magazine du Monde