Focus:Photographer, Photojournalist, Filmmaker, Producer, Director, Videographer, Documentary, Multimedia, News, Creative, Video, Film, Photography, Portraiture, Director of Photography, International News, Assignments, Teacher, Cinematography, International, Short Films, Film Producer, Still Photographer, Visual Journalist, Visual Storyteller
Covering:Asia,Europe,USA & Canada
Skills:Audio Recording, Color Correction, Adobe Premier, Photo Editing, Black & White Printing, Mixed Media, Multimedia Production, Photojournalism, Video Editing, Film Processing, Film Photography, Cinematographer, Drone Pilot, Visual Producer, Photoshop
NEAR NAKLO, POLAND, 7/07/2020: Writer Anne Applebaum is posing for photographer at her village mansion house called "Dwor Chobielin" in nothern Poland.
(Photo by Piotr Malecki)
Warsaw, Poland, January 2023:
Natalya Holovko, 55, war refugee from Kharkiv in Ukraine is posing at the flower shop, where she works. (Photo by Piotr Malecki)
her statement:
Natalia Holovko, 55 Kharkiv, works in a flower shop
I left because I saw planes shooting from the window. It was terrible. We were leaving home on February 28, and on March 2 we were in Poland. The last day at home was amazing. Nature seemed to be saying goodbye to us. There was a lot of snow. It was so hard to leave. I wish people knew what it was like. How we ran away with children seeing fires from a distance. It was scary. I experience it just as my grandmother was running away from the war with my 3-year-old mother, so I was going to Poland with my 3-year-old grandson.
We didn't take anything with us. As we were, so we went. We loaded our food into our pockets and I grabbed a 5-liter bottle of water. Later, when we drove for 3 days without food, this water saved us.
We were going for a week, well, a month maximum.
I can't understand how people of one faith, of one language kill each other?
The older grandson couldn't sleep for the first 3 months and asked at night „Are they shooting? Are they shooting?”
I used to wonder, what is happiness? Now I know that happiness is just living, waking up at home, just drinking coffee, talking to people. And the meaning of life is that your children don't cry. I would ask all people to do everything to stop this war.
I had a very good relationship with the Russians. Anger and hatred grow inside me, but I try to extinguish it, because you will not build anything with it.
You can't live with hate.
SOSNOWIEC, POLAND, DECEMBER 2012: Prisoner Zenon is posing with the pony named Pumba, that he is taking care of. He leaves the prison in spring 2014. Zenon is taking part in the programme of resocialisation of prisoners in which each prisoner takes care of an animal. (Photo by Piotr Malecki / Polityka) Sosnowiec, Grudzien 2012: Pan Zenon, wiezien aresztu sledczego z pobliskich Wojkowic, pozuje do zdjecia ze swoja swinka o imieniu Pumba. Pan Zenon wychodzi z wiezienia wiosna 2014 roku. Bierze udzial w programie resocjalizacji osadzonych, w ktorym wiezien opiekuje sie zwierzeciem - np. psem, koniem, czy kotem, przywiazujac sie do niego i nawiazujac bliska relacje. Fot: Piotr Malecki / Polityka
WARSAW, POLAND, JANUARY 2013: Sandra Tworkowska, Edyta Pienkowska, Kamil Chludzinski - Performers of EXTAZY, a disco polo band, posing before their concert at the Freedom club. Disco polo is a type of dance music which originated in rural areas of Poland. Though considered tacky by many people, it is becoming incredibly popular (Photo by Piotr Malecki / Napo Images) Warszawa, styczen 2013: Zespol disco polo EXTAZY pozuje w klubie Freedom. Sandra Tworkowska, Edyta Pienkowska, Kamil Chludzinski. Fot: Piotr Malecki / Napo Images
MUCZNE, BIESZCZADY NATIONAL PARK, POLAND, 18.08.2020: Forester Antoni Derwich not far from his home in Muczne, walking at the place where some of the first of his beavers lived. Mr Derwich reintroduced beavers to Bieszczady National Park in the 1990's, after hundreds of years of their extinction in this region. This little lake is a result of the dam built by the beavers, which have reshaped the landscape, creating more water retention and encouraging biodiversity.
(Photo by Piotr Malecki)
WARSAW, POLAND, NOVEMBER 2011: Wika Szmyt, 74 year old DJ, at home. Wika is famous in Poland for being the oldest DJ. Twice a week she runs discos at the Bolek club in Warsaw, frequented mainly by the pensioners. (Photo by Piotr Malecki/Napo Images) WARSZAWA, LISTOPAD 2011: DJ Wika, w domu z telefonem komorkowym. Wika Szmyt, 74-letnia DJ jest znana jako najstarsza didzejka w Polsce. Dwa razy w tygodniu prowadzi dyskoteki w klubie Bolek, na ktore przychodza glownie emeryci. Fot: Piotr Malecki/Napo Images ***ZAKAZ PUBLIKACJI W TABLOIDACH I PORTALACH PLOTKARSKICH*** *** Zdjecie moze byc uzyte w prasie, gdy sposob jego wykorzystania oraz podpis nie obrazaja osob znajdujacych sie na fotografii ***
WARSAW, POLAND, 23 DECEMBER 2013: Piotr Baranski, citizen of Warsaw, is posing in a series of portraits of the people who cared to come and donate money for urgent operation for Natalia Pazdzierska, a young woman with a rare spine desease. The images were shot during a fundraiser event at the photo studio in Warsaw. WARSZAWA, 23/12/2013: Piotr Baranski, aktor, mieszkaniec Warszawy, pozuje do zdjecia podczas "Sesji dla Natalii" w PinUp studio. Ta charytatywna sesja zostala zorganizowana w celu zebrania pieniedzy na operacje Natalii Pazdzierskiej, cierpiaca na rzadka chorobe kregoslupa. Fot: Piotr Malecki
Warsaw, Poland, November 2011:.Portraits of employees of Ekon Association. From top left: Tomasz, Marcin , Pawel, Janek, Barbara, Wanda, Zygmunt, Bartek, Iwona..Ekon Association in Warsaw is a recycling plant that provides jobs for people with learning difficulties or mental health issues; who would otherwise find it difficult to get work. .(Photo by Piotr Malecki / Napo Images)..Warszawa, Listopad 2011:.Pracownicy stowarzyszenia Ekon. O lewego gornego rogu: Tomasz, Bartek, Pawel, Janek, Barbara, Wanda, Zygmunt, Marcin, Iwona..Ekon zajmuje sie recyklingiem odpadow i zatrudnia ludzi uposledzonych, lub chorych psychicznie, ktorzy inaczej mieliby trudnosci ze znalezieniem pracy..Fot: Piotr Malecki / Napo Images.