Public Project
Fragments of the river
Las variaciones del cambio del río Paraná dependen de las precipitaciones, si bien recorre zonas con variaciones climaticas está en un período de falta de lluvia en todo el continente y actualmente atraviesa la mayor bajante desde 1944, consecuencia de acciones extractivas, como la explotación de los suelos y la tala de los bosques afectando a quienes lo habitan y a uno de los ecositemas mas biodiversos de America latina.
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Visual history represented through photos and collage I choose to represent through details, exploring color as the transformation of a landscape affected by extractive actions.
The variations in the change of the Paraná River depend on rainfall, although it runs through areas with climatic variations, it is in a period of lack of rain throughout the continent and is currently going through the largest downspout since 1944, a consequence of extractive actions, such as the exploitation of soils and the felling of forests affecting one of the most biodiverse ecosystems in Latin America.
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The variations in the change of the Paraná River depend on rainfall, although it runs through areas with climatic variations, it is in a period of lack of rain throughout the continent and is currently going through the largest downspout since 1944, a consequence of extractive actions, such as the exploitation of soils and the felling of forests affecting one of the most biodiverse ecosystems in Latin America.
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