mara catalán

Creative content photographer/artist/black and white fine art printer
La realidad La Otra Cara de un Pueblo Zapatista
Public Project
La realidad La Otra Cara de un Pueblo Zapatista
Copyright mara catalan 2024
Date of Work Dec 1969 - Ongoing
Updated Mar 2017
Topics Abuse, Action, Activism, America, Arts, Beauty, Black and White, Capitalism, Celebrations, Children, Civil Rights, Civil Wars, Community, Confrontation, Culture, Documentary, Dreams, Dying/Death, Education, Elections, Emotion, Environment, Erotic, Europe, Events, Faith, Family, Fear, Fine Art, Fire, Food, Freedom, Glamour, Happiness, Historical, Hunger, Landscape, Latin America, Leadership, Love, Migration, Nude, Peace, Personal, Photography, Photojournalism, Politics, Portraiture, Poverty, Religion, Reporting, Revolution, Sexuality, Sorrow, Spirituality, Still life, Street, Travel, Violence, War, Water, Weapons
I arrived in San Cristobal de las Casas in 1996, two years after the Zapatista Revolution. Using my own wits to elude checkpoints and government troops who would have turned me back I journeyed into the jungle towards the Zapatista town La Realidad. Expecting to find a masked army I instead found a town whose principal weapon was life and endurance to move onwards within life that life. I realized that it was the cycle of day to day living that made the Zapatista struggle possible. No matter how strong the government tries to suppress the revolution. it was the strong sense of community that keeps the Revolution alive. These are extracts from that journey and from a handmade book I made at my return. Today the struggle continuos.

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La realidad La Otra Cara de un Pueblo Zapatista by mara catalan
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