This series of photographic scans are a series I created in conjunction with a invention which I created with my partner to combat climate change, nearly a decade ago. This membrane, which was made from biological substances I was using in my art at the time, could absorb CO2 and methane out of the atmosphere at ppb (parts per billion) and ppm (part per million) levels. However, when developing the technology and the company around the technology, I discovered that like most wars, the "War" on climate change was far more complicated than simply fighting the declared enemy:most of the causes of climate change were domestic and had nothing to do with the environment per se -- instead rampant self-interest in industry and politics, as well as criminal levels of corruption which pervades the global society has resulted in a deadlocked and balkanized world, where the consequences of really fighting the causes of climate change resulted in personal losses.
One should ask before proceeding, does the world really want a real War? Because the scale of the problem demands such action.