Public Project
Venezuelan Diaspora in Colombia
The lack of effective integration policies for the Venezuelan migrant population threatens to turn their potential into a humanitarian crisis in transit. Migration in Latin America and the Caribbean presents challenges that go beyond resource allocation, making it difficult for host countries like Colombia to fully absorb the Venezuelan diaspora. This hinders the recognition of the positive impact migrants could have on the socio-economic integration of the regions they now call home. Despite these challenges, Venezuelan migration offers Colombia unique opportunities for growth. In 2022 alone, Venezuelan migrants and refugees contributed an estimated $529.1 million to the Colombian economy, according to the International Organization for Migration (IOM). Moreover, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) projects that Venezuelan migration will increase Colombia's GDP by 0.1% annually through 2024, highlighting not only economic benefits but also the importance of this workforce.
La Pista è l’ex aeroporto di Maicao, in Colombia. Oggi ci vivono in condizioni difficili tredicimila persone. Sono in gran parte immigrati venezuelani e nativi wayuu Leggi