ROSARIO, ARGENTINA - 03/12/2023: Campo de soja resistiendo a la sequía, on March 12, 2023 in Ibarlucea, Argentina. Argentina and the International Monetary Fund reached staff-level agreement to review the targets of reserves for 2023 due to the catastrophic droughts that affect the country. Agriculture export revenues generate a major part of the much-needed reserves of dollars as part of a 44 billion dollars repayment plan with IMF. According to experts, this drought, linked to a third straight La Niña climate pattern, is the worst in sixty years and affects 55% of the country. Argentina is the world's top exporter of soy oil and meal, the third for corn and a major supplier of beef and wheat. (Photo by Sebastian Lopez Brach/Getty Images) Rosario Argentina
ROSARIO, ARGENTINA - 03/13/2023: El productor Joan Hofer (31) en su campo de soja que resiste a la sequía, on March 13, 2023 in San Jerónimo Sud, Argentina. Argentina and the International Monetary Fund reached staff-level agreement to review the targets of reserves for 2023 due to the catastrophic droughts that affect the country. Agriculture export revenues generate a major part of the much-needed reserves of dollars as part of a 44 billion dollars repayment plan with IMF. According to experts, this drought, linked to a third straight La Niña climate pattern, is the worst in sixty years and affects 55% of the country. Argentina is the world's top exporter of soy oil and meal, the third for corn and a major supplier of beef and wheat. (Photo by Sebastian Lopez Brach/Getty Images) Rosario Argentina
ROSARIO, ARGENTINA - 03/13/2023: Vacas muertas por causa del calor intenso y la falta de agua en la región, on March 13, 2023 in Luis Palacios, Argentina. Argentina and the International Monetary Fund reached staff-level agreement to review the targets of reserves for 2023 due to the catastrophic droughts that affect the country. Agriculture export revenues generate a major part of the much-needed reserves of dollars as part of a 44 billion dollars repayment plan with IMF. According to experts, this drought, linked to a third straight La Niña climate pattern, is the worst in sixty years and affects 55% of the country. Argentina is the world's top exporter of soy oil and meal, the third for corn and a major supplier of beef and wheat. (Photo by Sebastian Lopez Brach/Getty Images) Rosario Argentina
ROSARIO, ARGENTINA - 03/13/2023: Vacas muertas por causa del calor intenso y la falta de agua en la región, on March 13, 2023 in Luis Palacios, Argentina. Argentina and the International Monetary Fund reached staff-level agreement to review the targets of reserves for 2023 due to the catastrophic droughts that affect the country. Agriculture export revenues generate a major part of the much-needed reserves of dollars as part of a 44 billion dollars repayment plan with IMF. According to experts, this drought, linked to a third straight La Niña climate pattern, is the worst in sixty years and affects 55% of the country. Argentina is the world's top exporter of soy oil and meal, the third for corn and a major supplier of beef and wheat. (Photo by Sebastian Lopez Brach/Getty Images) Rosario Argentina
ROSARIO, ARGENTINA - 03/12/2023: Marcelo Beauvallet (33) sostiene en sus manos una mazorca completamente seca y sin granos por causa de la sequía, on March 12, 2023 in Ibarlucea, Argentina. Argentina and the International Monetary Fund reached staff-level agreement to review the targets of reserves for 2023 due to the catastrophic droughts that affect the country. Agriculture export revenues generate a major part of the much-needed reserves of dollars as part of a 44 billion dollars repayment plan with IMF. According to experts, this drought, linked to a third straight La Niña climate pattern, is the worst in sixty years and affects 55% of the country. Argentina is the world's top exporter of soy oil and meal, the third for corn and a major supplier of beef and wheat. (Photo by Sebastian Lopez Brach/Getty Images) Rosario Argentina
ROSARIO, ARGENTINA - 03/12/2023: Marcelo Beauvallet (33) ha perdido el 90% de su producción por tercer año consecutivo on March 12, 2023 in Ibarlucea, Argentina. Argentina and the International Monetary Fund reached staff-level agreement to review the targets of reserves for 2023 due to the catastrophic droughts that affect the country. Agriculture export revenues generate a major part of the much-needed reserves of dollars as part of a 44 billion dollars repayment plan with IMF. According to experts, this drought, linked to a third straight La Niña climate pattern, is the worst in sixty years and affects 55% of the country. Argentina is the world's top exporter of soy oil and meal, the third for corn and a major supplier of beef and wheat. (Photo by Sebastian Lopez Brach/Getty Images) Rosario Argentina
ROSARIO, ARGENTINA - 03/12/2023: Máquina cosechadora trabaja en un campo de maíz completamente seco, on March 12, 2023 in San Jerónimo Sud, Argentina. Argentina and the International Monetary Fund reached staff-level agreement to review the targets of reserves for 2023 due to the catastrophic droughts that affect the country. Agriculture export revenues generate a major part of the much-needed reserves of dollars as part of a 44 billion dollars repayment plan with IMF. According to experts, this drought, linked to a third straight La Niña climate pattern, is the worst in sixty years and affects 55% of the country. Argentina is the world's top exporter of soy oil and meal, the third for corn and a major supplier of beef and wheat. (Photo by Sebastian Lopez Brach/Getty Images) Rosario Argentina
ROSARIO, ARGENTINA - 03/13/2023: Hacienda de ganadería en un campo completamente seco, on March 13, 2023 in Luis Palacios, Argentina. Argentina and the International Monetary Fund reached staff-level agreement to review the targets of reserves for 2023 due to the catastrophic droughts that affect the country. Agriculture export revenues generate a major part of the much-needed reserves of dollars as part of a 44 billion dollars repayment plan with IMF. According to experts, this drought, linked to a third straight La Niña climate pattern, is the worst in sixty years and affects 55% of the country. Argentina is the world's top exporter of soy oil and meal, the third for corn and a major supplier of beef and wheat. (Photo by Sebastian Lopez Brach/Getty Images) Rosario Argentina
ROSARIO, ARGENTINA - 03/12/2023: Campo de maíz completamente seco del productor José Braidotti (35) on March 12, 2023 in San Jerónimo Sud, Argentina. Argentina and the International Monetary Fund reached staff-level agreement to review the targets of reserves for 2023 due to the catastrophic droughts that affect the country. Agriculture export revenues generate a major part of the much-needed reserves of dollars as part of a 44 billion dollars repayment plan with IMF. According to experts, this drought, linked to a third straight La Niña climate pattern, is the worst in sixty years and affects 55% of the country. Argentina is the world's top exporter of soy oil and meal, the third for corn and a major supplier of beef and wheat. (Photo by Sebastian Lopez Brach/Getty Images) Rosario Argentina
ROSARIO, ARGENTINA - 03/12/2023: El productor Javier Sánchez en su campo de maíz que resiste a la sequía on March 12, 2023 in Timbúes, Argentina. Argentina and the International Monetary Fund reached staff-level agreement to review the targets of reserves for 2023 due to the catastrophic droughts that affect the country. Agriculture export revenues generate a major part of the much-needed reserves of dollars as part of a 44 billion dollars repayment plan with IMF. According to experts, this drought, linked to a third straight La Niña climate pattern, is the worst in sixty years and affects 55% of the country. Argentina is the world's top exporter of soy oil and meal, the third for corn and a major supplier of beef and wheat. (Photo by Sebastian Lopez Brach/Getty Images) Rosario Argentina
ROSARIO, ARGENTINA - 03/12/2023: Campo de maíz completamente arruinado por la sequía, on March 12, 2023 in Timbúes, Argentina. Argentina and the International Monetary Fund reached staff-level agreement to review the targets of reserves for 2023 due to the catastrophic droughts that affect the country. Agriculture export revenues generate a major part of the much-needed reserves of dollars as part of a 44 billion dollars repayment plan with IMF. According to experts, this drought, linked to a third straight La Niña climate pattern, is the worst in sixty years and affects 55% of the country. Argentina is the world's top exporter of soy oil and meal, the third for corn and a major supplier of beef and wheat. (Photo by Sebastian Lopez Brach/Getty Images) Rosario Argentina
Public Project
The field is drought
Sebastian Lopez Brach
Updated Mar 2023
This story was commissioned for the Getty Images.
Argentina is suffering the worst drought in sixty years. Some 55% of the country's territory is affected by extreme drought and high temperatures, a phenomenon associated with a La Niña weather pattern. Despite being one of the world's leading exporters of soybeans, corn and wheat, the South American country is forecasting a 28% drop in export levels by 2023, while experts estimate that the country's grain and oilseed export revenues have already fallen by 61% in the last year.