Felipe Oliveros Rodríguez (born in 1985 and lives in Veracruz, Mexico). His photographic work explores the documentary genre, the notion of identity and the symbolic imaginary present in the region of Los Tuxtlas, Veracruz. This...
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Felipe Oliveros Rodríguez (born in 1985 and lives in Veracruz, Mexico). His photographic work explores the documentary genre, the notion of identity and the symbolic imaginary present in the region of Los Tuxtlas, Veracruz. This interest has led him to visually tell stories related to the traditions and mysticism of his community.
Felipe Oliveros RodriÌguez (nacido en 1985 y vive en Veracruz, MeÌxico). Su trabajo fotograÌfico explora el geÌnero documental, la nocioÌn de identidad y el imaginario simboÌlico presente en la regioÌn de Los Tuxtlas, Veracruz. Este intereÌs lo ha llevado a narrar visualmente historias relacionadas a las tradiciones y el misticismo propios de su comunidad. EstudioÌ ComputacioÌn y Sistemas en la Universidad AutoÌnoma de Veracruz, Villa Rica. Es fotoÌgrafo autodidacta y su trabajo ha sido exhibido en diversas exposiciones colectivas en MeÌxico.