Grants & Open Calls
Open Call: The No! Wahala Magazine Open Call for African Photographers
Open Call

The No! Wahala Magazine Open Call for African Photographers

This is an opportunity for African Photographers to have their work featured in a photography magazine. The theme of this open call is called 'Aftermath'. Aftermath is defined as ‘the consequences or after-effects of a significant unpleasant event’. We are in a period of Aftermath. The Aftermath of a global pandemic such as COVID-19 which constituted a worldwide lockdown. The Aftermath of climate change and the possibility of humanity becoming extinct if we don't act now. The Aftermath of civil unrest in various parts of the world, and the list goes on.

For issue 2, we invite African Photographers to explore the theme ‘Aftermath’ by submitting a body of work which represents the after-effects of a significant event. This does not have to be something literal such as COVID, it can be something personal that has happened to you or someone you love, it can be a health condition, a loss, a gain- It does not necessarily have to be the Aftermath of something negative. Think outside of the box and allow your creativity to lead on your visual storytelling journey.

Deadline: February 28, 2022

Status: Closed


February 28, 2022 (11:59 PM, EST)


Submissions are closed.

Brief & Application Procedure

  • All submissions are made via a Story created from the Visura dashboard
  • Stories may be ongoing or recently completed personal story
  • Image size: 2200px on the longest dimension. (11 inches @ 200 dpi, jpg format)
  • Include a written narrative to accompany the images saved as the Story text
  • Stories may be 'published' or 'private' within the Visura system
  • Submissions should be a minimum of 10 images and a maximum of 15
  • Please ensure that the body of work submitted fits the theme of the open call
  • All images must be individually captioned