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Valentin Bianchi

Front Page of Le Vif - L'Express magazine in Belgium
Media News
Front Page of Le Vif - L'Express magazine in Belgium
valentin bianchi
Dec 29, 2019
Location: Charleroi, Belgium
Proud to have one of my photographs at the Front Page of Belgium Magazine Le Vif - L'Express from the story "Kiwi Jackson, a urban legend", on assignment for this magazine...and 4 great pages inside the mag too. 

Kiwi Jackson, une légende urbaine
A Charleroi, c'est un phénomène. Autoproclamé " meilleur danseur " de la ville, il est depuis trente-cinq ans partout où quelque chose se passe. Et attire les regards parfois gênés des Carolorégiens. Portrait d'une icône...


Also by Valentin Bianchi —

Events News

The shadow of Japan, presented during an evening screening at Visa pour l'image in Perpignan, France

Valentin Bianchi
Events News

Proud to be one of the 25 shortlisted Photographers for the Sana Sanaa Corona Call Contest with my story "Croque la mort"!

Valentin Bianchi / Hans Lucas / Berlin, Germany

4 Photographs on cover of Society Magazine

Valentin Bianchi / Paris, France
Awards News

Freelens Mentor 2017, Session #2 in Brussels "“ Finalist with Stars & Rain

Valentin Bianchi
Front Page of Le Vif - L'Express magazine in Belgium by Valentin Bianchi
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