Raylan Campbell fell in love with the stray beagle that wandered up to the family gathering. Campbell tried to convince his parents to let him bring the dog home with him before they left but they wouldn’t let him. “He looks well fed, he probably belongs to someone,” his parents said.
Hunter Chapman, 9, reaches for the podium microphones ahead of the Missouri Bicentennial Ball on Saturday, September 18, 2021 in Jefferson City, Mo. “He’s a future president,” his mom said.
Easton Hill and Landon Fowler float down Clear Creek on Friday, August 11, 2023. After a summer full of rain and clouds Buffalo residents took every opportunity to soak in some sun before Wyoming's cooler months set in.
First responders place the “body” of Brogen Byrum — played by Marco Glassock — into the back of a hearse during the “Right Road” simulated car crash on Wednesday, September 28, 2022 at Buffalo High School. A mock funeral was held for Byrum and a trial was held for his death.
Mick Camino drags a sheep back towards a trailer during the August Basque Party’s sheep hooking competition on Saturday, August 13, 2022 at Harold Jarrard Park in Kaycee. Men and women competed separately to see who could use a crook to hook the sheep and then drag them back to the trailer the fastest.
Donna Jacobs smiles and laughs as she plays in the foam during a foam party on Wednesday, July 5, 2023 at the Buffalo Branch of the Johnson County Library. “It’s not often grandmas get to do this with the kids,” Jacobs said.
Ellie Greub has formed a relationship with a lot of the cows the Greub’s care for. She likes to feed the cattle when she goes and checks on them. This time the Greubs only had horse pellets on hand so Ellie tried her best to get some of the cows to take them but they had some difficulty.
Maia Baltz, 5, right, cries from the shock of the cold as Lindsey Baltz tries wraps a town around her and comforts her during the polar blunge on Sunday, Jan. 1, 2023 at Lake De Set. After she warmed up a bit Maia said she felt cold but happy and enjoyed the event.
Daphne LaVigne, portraying Kinsey Jones, screams for Bryce Camino, portrayed by Cam Johnson, to wake up during the annual Right Road program on Tuesday, September 26, 2023 at Buffalo High School. Camino/Johnson were killed in the mock car accident while Cassidy Bessler, Portrayed by Carly Norman, was paralyzed from the waist down.
Guy Lansert prays at the future site of the Grace Fellowship campus on Wednesday, August 9, 2023. Lancert said he was praying for the anointing of the lord and for the tent revival being held by the church on Sunday.
Foam sprays out of a gash in the big bur oak as firefighters try and cool off the inside of the tree after it was struck by lightning Friday morning. Cody Spencer, who was the first person to find the tree after it was struck, said, "It was like a bomb had gone off."
After the first few frames of honeycomb were removed from the hive the bees began to swarm Kari Kinder-Hanson, left, and Kassahn Mathson, right, as they continued their work on Friday, Oct. 6, 2023 at Mathson’s house. Mathson only harvested the first box of honey leaving the rest for the bees over the winter.
Angel Vigil laughs with customers while she works the New Year’s Eve party on Saturday, Dec. 31, 2022 at the Occidental Saloon. Vigil was selling candy cigarettes, rock candy, cracker jacks and popcorn to customers.
A combine harvests the last row of soybeans on Tuesday, November 9, 2021 in a field near Interstate 63. As fall wears on soybean harvesting season is nearing its end.