Public Project
Unexplored worlds.
As a photographer, I find the world around me fascinating. I am intrigued that an instant in time, stimulates a part of my brain that makes me push the button on my camera. What is perhaps even more interesting is that everyone sees the same things/moments completely differently with completely different levels and types of response. The world is subjective to us all and each moment, even in the exact same location is as different as the amount of individuals there are or have ever been in the world. We exist in fact in a sort of multiverse, not of infinite possibilities (as far as I know) but of infinite variation of perception of what is right in front of us, right now. We all agree that visual stimuli can effect emotionally and through that eventually physically but are there differences one can see by looking deep into the eyes of individuals who look at the world differently.
I shall use a Digital retinal camera to find out in addition to keeping a journal using other cameras and lenses in homage to the way pioneer explorers may have kept their notes on their voyages of discovery.