Just published article on PDN: How a Critique Group Can Change Your Photogoraphy
tira khan
Jul 7, 2019
Opening paragraphs:
I once spent hours on working on a collage, fine-tuning its colors, combining photographs, and assessing the image’s visual impact against the subtext of its meaning. Finally, it was perfect. I was ready to bring it to my class at a local photography museum for critique.
I placed the eight-by-ten print on a folding table surrounded by my classmates and waited for them to commend my masterpiece. At first they were silent. Then a few suggested some tweaks. And then I saw it. The image did not need tweaking. It was perfect indeed. It was perfectly disastrous: perfect for a 1970s romance novel—not exactly the look I was going for.
How a Critique Group Can Change Your Photography | PDN Online
Fine-art photographer Tira Khan explains why her crit group works for its members, and offers tips for those looking to create their own group.