Public Project
After ISIS: Kosovo
After ISIS: how Kosovo is rehabilitating women and children repatriated from Syria
Europe’s newest nation brought dozens of families back and hopes to reintegrate many into society
Story by Sara Manisera
Photographs by Arianna Pagani
After ISIS: how Kosovo is rehabilitating women and children repatriated from Syria
Europeâs newest nation brought dozens of families back and hopes to reintegrate many into society General 1 — FADA collective
Il Kosovo accoglie mogli e figli dei foreign fighter dell’Isis - Altreconomia
Il governo del più giovane Stato d’Europa ha avviato un progetto pilota di riabilitazione che coinvolge psichiatre, psicoterapeute familiari, psicologhe, Imam e Mualime, le predicatrici femminili. 110 le persone rimpatriate dalla Siria