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© 2024 Craig Stennett
MAGDEBURG, GERMANY-JANUARY 08: Thousands of Anti Corona restriction protesters gathered at the Alter Markt for the 'MegaDemo' organised by the Freie Sachsen (Free Saxons) movement in Magdeburg, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany on January 8th 2022. A Police Officer stands isolated as demonstrators surge out from the designated protest area and begin an impromptu 'stroll' around the city centre. The demonstration is part of an ongoing campaign of civil disorbedience by anti-vaccine and lock down protesters with in Germany. The stronghold for the movement against Corona restrictions is primarily within the former states of the DDR (Deutsch Democratic Republic). This civil disobedience involves co-ordinated 'Stadtspaziergang' (city walks) by citizens across numerous cities and towns. Making it particularly difficult for the Police to deal with.(Photo by Craig Stennett/Getty Images)